March 17, 2020, 1:00 PM

Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate these unprecedented times. I am sure that you are aware that Governor Sisolak closed Nevada’s schools through April 6th. This declaration applies to Odyssey Charter School along with every other public, charter, or private school in the state.  However, Odyssey is uniquely positioned to continue to provide some educational resources to our school community. Therefore, for the next few weeks, the following guidelines will apply:

  1. At this time, Odyssey plans to resume school operations on Tuesday, April 14th.  April 13th is a Monday but was pre-calendered to be part of our scheduled Spring Break week.
  2. Until Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Odyssey’s physical campus is inaccessible to our students, parents, staff, and the public.
  3. If parents or students have questions or concerns, please email them to  Please indicate in your email if your child is in high school, middle school, or elementary school.  This email is being monitored daily, and questions will be sent to the appropriate administrative or office staff.  Please note, Odyssey’s teachers will not be available to answer questions until Tuesday, April 14, 2020. Only Odyssey’s administrative and support staff will be available to answer questions that come through until April 14, 2020.  Phone calls will not be answered and voice messages may not be returned for quite some time.
  4. Odyssey’s teachers are posting the online curriculum for their courses for the next three weeks. Students and families will have access to the curriculum and are encouraged to continue working through their classes.
  5. Teachers will not be available to provide support to students during this time and assignments will not be graded until teachers return on Tuesday, April 14th.
  6. Students will not be marked absent during this closure.
  7. Special Education services are suspended. IEP meetings and 504 meetings will be postponed. Due dates for IEP and 504 renewals will be extended.
  8. We do not know what this means for Nevada Schools in terms of testing, school calendars, make-up days, etc. We are waiting for guidance from the Nevada Department of Education.
  9. At this time, we plan to have enrollment packets for the 2020-2021 school year available as scheduled on March 30th. Online registration begins on April 13th. More information about enrollment will be forthcoming.

Again, thank you for your patience with us. Please, be safe. We look forward to getting back to normal operations soon.

The Odyssey Team


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