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Much of Odyssey’s curriculum is presented using a Project-Based Learning (PBL) model in which students practice grade-level appropriate Nevada Academic Content Standards while employing analytical thinking, problem-solving strategies, communication skills, and creativity to complete tasks and present their findings to their teachers, parents, and peers. The grade level determines the content of the projects, however, the rigor of the projects is differentiated according to the needs of the individual students.
In addition to the projects, the students complete lessons in enVisions Math, I-Ready, Reading Plus, Study Island, and Lexia Core 5. Many of these programs align themselves with the student’s academic ability. These programs place the student at an appropriate starting point and then monitors his or her progress as he or she works through the program. The teacher monitors the student’s progress as well and makes adjustments as needed.
Specific and intensive intervention will be prescribed for those students who need additional support.