Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Jodi Eaton – Occupational Therapist

Hi there! I’m Jodi Eaton, the occupational therapist here at Odyssey Charter Schools. My goal is to support our students by providing both direct occupational therapy services and resources for teachers and parents.

What I Do

  • Direct Services: I work directly with students who have been referred for occupational therapy.
  • Support for Teachers and Parents: I’m a resource for anyone who needs help with developing a student’s fine motor, visual motor, and sensory processing skills – all essential for school success!

Common Challenges

As children progress through school, they may encounter difficulties acquiring some key skills. Here are some examples:

  • Fine motor skills: Trouble writing neatly, cutting precisely, or managing classroom materials.
  • Visual-motor integration skills: Difficulty copying information accurately or placing written work on the lines.
  • Sensory processing skills: Challenges with sitting up straight, focusing for long periods, or filtering out distractions.

How You Can Help

If you’ve noticed any of these challenges in your student, I can provide you with simple tips to help them succeed in school!