Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Hello, my name is Jodi Eaton and I am the occupational therapist here at Odyssey Charter Schools.  My role is to provide direct occupational therapy services and provide support to our students.  My primary role as occupational therapist is to provide direct services to those students that have been referred for occupational therapy, but I am also here to be a resource to teachers and parents who occasionally need support with helping students develop appropriate fine motor, visual motor and sensory processing skills to be successful at school.

As children move through school they sometimes have difficulty acquiring the skills necessary to be successful.  Some children struggle with fine motor skills, finding it hard to learn to write neatly, cut with precision or manage the materials in their classroom.  Some children struggle with visual motor integration skills, finding it hard to accurately copy information or place written work on the lines of the paper.  Some children struggle with sensory regulation, finding it difficult to sit up straight, pay attention for extended durations and filter out distractions.  If you have noticed these issues with your student, you might benefit from the simple tips I have put together.  These tips are provided to allow you to help your student be successful at school.

Handwriting Tips