Pathway to Graduation for Students
1. Participate in academic planning meetings with a school counselor.
2. Enroll in coursework that will help to achieve your educational goals.
3. Parents/Guardians must review and approve the academic plan.
4. Take the ACT with Writing during junior year, at no cost. Students pursuing the
Alternative Diploma* will take the NAA instead.
5. Earn a diploma (Diploma Types on the next page).
Core Enrollment Areas of Study
English 4 units
Mathematics (including Algebra II or higher) 4 units
Natural Science 3 units
Social Studies and History 3 units
Total 14 units
Students who successfully complete the Core Enrollment Expectations outlined in Table 1 with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.25 may qualify for the State of Nevada Millennium Scholarship. Please see your school counselor for more information about the State of Nevada Millennium Scholarship.
For more information, open the full page of graduation requirements.