Welcome to the Odyssey Charter Schools’ Middle School Blended Learning Program, where each Middle School student receives face-to-face instruction as well as online coursework. Our model requires all students to attend school on campus once each week for a three-hour instructional class day. When on campus, students are engaged in learning activities that cannot be replicated in purely online learning programs. On-campus learning includes direct instruction and guided practice with teachers, participation in science experiments, and small group work. The on-campus three-hour session is required of all middle school students. Students attend on the same day and time each week (some students will have a fourth hour on campus for accelerated coursework or special services). Parents are given the opportunity to request their first, second, and third choices for the day and time the student comes to our campus. Typically, the school is able to honor a requested day and time, however, this cannot be guaranteed.
Weekly attendance on campus is a requirement of our Middle School program, in addition to the required online assignments our students complete every day at home. Students are able to create their own schedules at home to complete their online coursework. When on campus, students receive critical instruction in each core content area (Math, Science, English, Reading, and Social Studies). The instruction they receive on campus complements and supports the learning from their online coursework.
Every Odyssey Charter School middle school student and parent will receive training through our online orientation when they begin the program. They will also have access to our counselors who provide more detailed, live training. Training provides our families with the tools they need to facilitate a strong instructional school year. Odyssey parents work in partnership with their children to assist and supervise the completion of work. Varying degrees of parent participation will depend on the student, the grade level, and the learning style of each student. Computers or tablets and daily access to the Internet are required in order to complete program expectations. Families must have Internet and a computer or tablet before they begin school.
Various opportunities are offered in our Middle School, including sixth through eighth-grade accelerated core classes, upper-grade electives, and high-school level courses for grade 8 students. Teachers provide additional assistance to students using e-mail, telephone, and text, as well as during dedicated office hours. Eighth-grade students may be able to take high school credits (Spanish I, Algebra, Computer Science) after a counselor determines appropriate placement.
The Middle School lab provides an opportunity for students (grades 6-8) to come on campus outside of their regular class day to work on their assignments under the supervision and assistance of our licensed teachers. The Middle School lab is for students who can work productively in a quiet environment. Students who are struggling in three or more subjects will be assigned an additional required day on campus which also takes place in our learning lab. Middle School also offers a few extracurricular activities that typically occur on Friday afternoons, however, there are fun events for all students to attend throughout the year!
Odyssey Charter Schools incorporate test-taking preparation in courses throughout the year where students receive intensive practice in Math and English. All students are required to participate in state-mandated testing. Our test results are linked to our four and five-star ratings with the state!
If you are new to Odyssey, you will immediately see that our school is a unique and special place. We are excited to meet new families each year and invite you to become a member of our Odyssey Middle School family!
At Odyssey we use our news blog to post our school-wide announcements and events. Below are some of the most recent middle school announcements and k-12 events. You can also check our dedicated calendar or events page for the latest school dates and activities.
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