Dear Odyssey Parents/Guardians and Students,

Thank you for your patience and support during these unprecedented times. Odyssey’s Administrative Team has been listening daily to the guidance provided by the Southern Nevada Health District, Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and the State of Nevada. We have been meeting daily to make the best decisions for our community.

Odyssey is grateful that as a blended learning model our students have always had full access to the entire curriculum. We are excited to announce that on Monday, March 23rd, Odyssey will resume offering full support of its online curriculum. All of Odyssey’s teachers will be available to provide help to students as they work through their courses. We will simply be replacing our face-to-face support with teacher contact using other modes of technology. Although we will still be working from home, Odyssey’s Teachers, Administrators, Counselors, Social Workers, Health Professionals, and Support Staff will be available via Gmail and Moodle Messaging between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM.  Staff will do their best to respond to questions within 24 hours.

Student attendance during this time will be monitored. Students must make progress in their online curriculum in all classes each week in order to be counted as “Present.” Submitted assignments will be graded. Teachers will respond to questions and provide feedback as appropriate. Students that do not make progress will be contacted by their teachers via Gmail, Moodle Messaging or other means.

On Monday, March 23rd, all students should log-in to their classes and continue their online coursework. This plan will remain in place until it is safe for the Odyssey community to return to normal operations.

The Nevada Department of Education has waived the state-mandated testing for this year. Advanced Placement students, you will receive more information regarding AP tests from your teachers.

Moodle Issues
Students, if you’re not able to log into Moodle, first try the reset password option. This will allow you to reset your Moodle password using your Odyssey Gmail account. If you are having issues accessing course material in Moodle, please first contact your teacher.

Gmail Issues
Students, if you are not able to log into your Odyssey Gmail please send a Moodle Message to Mr. Ladwig.

If  you are having either Moodle or Gmail login issues, and the methods above are not working for you, contact our tech support at:

Thank you,
Odyssey Administrative Team

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