About SBAC Testing
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing is required by Nevada and federal law. This test measures student progress in grades 3-8 towards being prepared for college and career. This test covers the Nevada Academic Content Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics.
These test results are important for helping teachers and schools understand where students need support in English and Math as well as establishing our school’s STAR rating from the Nevada Report Card.
All SBAC testing must be completed at school, in person, on computers.
SBAC results do not impact students’ academic grades or promotion to the next grade. They are simply meant to let teachers know what students are learning and where they need more support in order to be ready for success.
SBAC Testing at Odyssey
Students typically take the SBAC on campus during their scheduled class time in March or April. SBAC testing for the 2023-2024 school year has closed. SBAC testing dates for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in fall 2024.
SBAC Resources
You can read more about SBAC testing in Nevada here: Nevada Department of Education’s SBAC Information
You can read more about SBAC testing from the company that makes the test here: SBAC Information for Families
You can see practice tests here by selecting either English or Math then the grade level of your student: SBAC Practice Tests (The username and password information for the practice test is just above the login boxes.)
SBAC Results
SBAC results will be mailed to families once they are received by Odyssey. Results from the 2023-2024 school year will be mailed by the end of August 2024. Students are considered to be doing well if they have a 3 or 4 in a subject on the SBAC. This is called proficient.