To Odyssey Elementary School’s Students and Parents,
Welcome to Odyssey Charter Elementary School and the 2020-2021 school year! We are proud to begin our 21st year of operation. We extend a special welcome to our new families. We are very excited about the incredible things our students will accomplish this year!
These are unprecedented times for us. Fortunately, here at Odyssey, we are fully prepared to provide the rigorous, caring, and engaging curriculum that we always have. Although, we will miss the weekly face-to-face visits for the time being, we are looking forward to getting to know you and your children through our weekly classes online. And someday, when it is once again safe for us to meet in person, we look forward to giving you a high-five and a great big “job well-done” pat on the back for all of the tremendous work you and your students have done.
And so, let’s get down to business…
Parents, your first assignment of the new school year is to complete the online orientation course that you will find in Moodle. Moodle is our Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is where you will find your child’s curriculum throughout the year. Enclosed with this letter, you will find the directions for accessing and logging in to Moodle. The orientation course will be available from Tuesday, August 4th – Friday, August 7th. You must complete this course before 1:00 PM on August, 7th, but the sooner the better. This course is mostly for the parents, but there will be some information that you will want to share with your child.
Parents, your second assignment is to attend the live Orientation session via Google Meet with your child. At this meeting you will meet your new teachers, talk about the expectations for the class, and discuss your weekly meeting schedule. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions. These live orientation meetings will take place on Wednesday, August 5th and Thursday, August 6th. You will receive an email on Monday, August 3rd with the specific day and time of your meeting. If you need to request a different date and time of your live Orientation Google Meet, you will be able to do so by replying to your teacher’s email. If the adult that will be the primary education provided for the student is different from the parent/guardian, then that adult should attend the Orientation Google Meet as well.
If you prefer to attend an Elementary Orientation with Spanish translations services, please let your teacher know and they will provide you with the date and time.
The 2020-2021 School Year begins on Monday, August 10th , 2020. It is imperative that all students login on the first day of school in order to be enrolled.
Student success requires parents and the school to actively work together. Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education. We look forward to a great year ahead!
Mr. Gerald Born
Odyssey Charter School
Elementary School Principal