Paid Leadership Program for Students – Space Limited
- The information below is from Lauren Cikara, Senior Manager K-12 Initiatives, Active Minds, lauren.cikara@ - This fall, Active Minds is proud to launch our inaugural Mental Health Advocacy Academy for high school students! This fall, Active Minds is calling on high school Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color (BIPOC) and LGBTQ+ students nationwide that are passionate about mental health to be part of this opportunity. The Academy will prepare high school students for lifelong engagement on advocacy, grassroots organizing, and political engagement around mental health.
- The Mental Health Advocacy Academy is a unique, paid leadership program intended to ensure that high school students have tools and resources to develop mental health advocacy campaigns that will transform change in school, community, and state culture and increase mental health resources. The Academy will be held from September – December 2021.
- Please help us spread the word about this opportunity to high school students. More information & the application can be found here: https://www.activeminds.
org/programs/mental-health- advocacy-academy/. Seats are limited to 30 BIPOC or LGBTQ+ students. Applications are due on August 30, 2021. If you have any questions about eligibility or about the Academy, please contact Lauren directly: lauren.cikara@