The Post-Test Interpretation Process
Students are first directed to create an account and sign into the ASVAB CEP website by using the participant’s unique access code found on their ASVAB Summary Results Sheet (ASR).
The PTI continues with a detailed explanation of the ASVAB, its subtests, and the various student scores reported on the ASR. Then, the education specialist leading the PTI will guide students through the Find Your Interests (FYI) inventory.
This quick, 90-question assessment is based on John Holland’s RIASEC model and Theory of Career Choice. Students will learn which of the six RIASEC personality types their self-assessed interests correspond to and what they mean for identifying career opportunities best suited to them.
Next, students complete the Work Values Situational Judgment Activity. This is a short 16-question quiz that allows students to determine what they value most in the workplace.
Completing all three assessments – the ASVAB, FYI, and Work-Values Activity – gives students a well-rounded self-perspective based on their aptitudes and their individual work-related interests and preferences. These results become crucial in the next step.
Equipped with insights about themselves, students then explore potential careers using the OCCU-Find Database. The OCCU-Find is a robust career search tool curated explicitly for young adults, offering thousands of career options. Participants can search for careers using their assessment results to find jobs that match their skills and interests, or explore occupations they have already considered.
Selecting a career from the search results takes students to a comprehensive career detail page with information about each profession. Each career page includes:
- Job Interest codes and Skill Importance Ratings to evaluate an individual’s suitability for the job.
- Work Values associated with that profession.
- What They Do, which describes the specific tasks associated with the position.
- Information about the education, credentials, licenses, apprenticeships, and military pathways available to achieve the career.
As students identify interesting careers, they can add them to their favorites. This becomes important in the next step when students build their post-secondary plan.
So far, the PTI session has focused on learning and exploring, which is, of course, very important. But all of this discovery doesn’t add up to much unless students are also able to understand and act on ways to achieve their goals.
In the last step, students learn how to use the ASVAB CEP’s career development tools to plan an action-oriented roadmap to reach their goals. The PTI facilitator walks them through the Plan Your Future Dashboard and the Create A Career Plan tool, and demonstrates how to use the customizable calendar and checklists to help students achieve their goals.
Students also learn how to use the Portfolio, which allows them to document their accomplishments, keep track of their test scores, and more. They can download this into a resume-like document to share with teachers, parents, and even potential employers.