All scholarship awards will begin as of Fall 2023. Strong preference will be given to applicants who are interested in pursuing a career path that is in demand, has high growth potential, and is career-ready, meaning does not require an advanced degree to start. Popular career paths that meet these criteria are software engineering, nursing, data analytics, business analytics, and digital marketing.

Scholarship recipients will receive funding for a four-year degree at Golden Door partner schools and access to mentors, fellowship, and career support beginning Fall semester 2023. Students who have applied to or are interested in other colleges should also apply. We will support students at non-partner schools on a case-by-case basis.

Note that Golden Door will match scholarship recipients to partner and other colleges based on student preference and school admission slot availability.


  • Applicants must have DACA, TPS, or be undocumented
  • Applicants must have high financial need
  • Applicants can be high school seniors, recent high school graduates, current college/community college students, or have obtained a GED (General Education Development) certificate from a United States Program

Note: if you are a current US citizen or permanent resident, you are not eligible to apply. If you are a visa holder, please elaborate on your visa type and whether you are eligible to receive federal funding and/or in-state tuition in your application below. If you aren’t sure whether you’re eligible, email

Please review the important information below and FAQ section of our website before submitting your Golden Door Scholars application.

  • Application deadline is Sunday, 10/23/22 at:
    • 8:59 PM Pacific Time
    • 9:59 PM Mountain Time
    • 10:59 PM Central Time
    • 11:59 PM Eastern Time
  • Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, so applying early is helpful
  • Applications received after the deadline will not be considered
  • Applicants should have strong academic records
  • High school and college transcripts DO NOT need to be official versions; you may scan and upload the transcript
  • SAT and ACT scores are not required. However, if you do have standardized test scores, you can include them in your application
  • Golden Door Scholars will also have access to mentors, fellowship, and career support, along with other professional growth opportunities
  • Click here for the answers to other important FAQs.

Partially completed applications cannot be saved and completed later.  Please review the essay questions/requirements below before beginning the application.

* Required
(File types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf)

Please keep in mind that we are asking for your expected college graduation date as of Fall 2023. Take into account how many college credits will transfer in if you already have college credits.

If outside the US, please select N/A

Accepted file formats: pdf, doc, docx, rtf.

(File types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf)
Write your answer in this format: Month/Year, ex: May 2023

Write N/A if your school does not have class rank

Write N/A if you do not know your class size

Accepted file formats: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, txt.

(File types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf)
If you do not have a SAT score and are not planning on taking it, write NA. If you are planning on taking the SAT, write the date are you planning to take it.

If you do not have a ACT score and are not planning on taking it, write NA. If you are planning on taking the ACT, write the date are you planning to take it.

Preferred majors can be found here

Please select which career path you are most interested in pursuing.

Please write 2-3 sentences on why you are interested in the career path/major you selected.

Enter up to three entries. Include organization name, your title/role, and months involved in the organization

We encourage you to apply for additional scholarships. Please list other scholarships you have applied for or plan to apply for. Please provide the following for each scholarship:
1. Scholarship Name
2. Have you already applied for this scholarship? (Yes/No)
3. What is the application deadline?

Golden Door Scholars requires an essay submission, but we prefer for you spend time on your required college application essays. Choose the application essay prompt for one of the colleges you plan to apply to and submit the name of the college, the essay prompt/question and your essay. Most essays are between 400-500 words, but essays up to 1000 words are permitted. The good news is you’ll be done early with your college application essay!

If your schools do not require an essay prompt you may use one of the following options:

  • Choose one of the Common App essay questions
  • Use an essay prompt from one of our partner schools listed on the website

Please remember that you have two opportunities, the video prompt and essay prompt, to let us know more about yourself. While we absolutely want to understand how your undocumented or TPS/DACA status has influenced your life and educational goals, we also want to hear about what differentiates you from the hundreds of undocumented students who apply to our scholarship.  Use one of those opportunities to tell us something else we cannot see just by looking at your grades, test scores and transcripts.

Include the prompt at the top of your essay so we know the topic you are writing about.

Please create a video, 2 minutes or less, introducing and telling us about yourself. Don’t worry about fancy theatrics, graphics, or music. We just want to get to know who you are and we want to hear that from you!

1. Record your video using your phone or computer.
2. Upload your video to YouTube with privacy setting as “Unlisted”. (Instructions)
3. Please title your video: “[Your First Name] – Golden Door Scholarship”.
4. Provide the video link below. Please test the link to make sure it works!

Our program is designed to break the barriers of economic justice, therefore, one of our criteria is financial need. Please share anything you would like for us to consider in assessing your financial need:

Please keep your answer to 250 words or less.

We understand that Covid-19 has impacted students in different ways from health, future plans, access to quiet study places, access to internet, family safety, etc. In order to have a holistic understanding of each applicant, please use this space below to describe how Covid-19 events have impacted you.

If you answered the Covid-19 question in the Common App, feel free to use that same answer below.

Please keep your answer to 250 words or less.

Your responses, or your choice to not respond, will not in any way be used in the selection decision.

I identify my ethnicity as (mark all that apply):

Golden Door Scholars believes that action expresses priorities and by holding ourselves accountable to being open and a more inclusive community, we hope to set an example for others in the world to follow.

How do you currently describe your gender identity?

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