2020-21 School EL Implementation Plan

2020-21 School EL Implementation Plan for Improving the Language & Academic Proficiency of English Learners

District: CCSD Charter
School: Odyssey Elementary
School Leadership Team: Timothy Lorenz, Superintendent; Gerald Born, Principal; Catherine Friedman, TOSA for Curriculum and Professional Development; Diane Kelly, Literacy Specialist; Karen Croteau, Math Specialist
Date of District Review:
Section I. Root Cause Analysis: What does the data reveal about English learners and their progress and the impact of the school’s strategies to improve outcomes for English learners?

❖ Please be sure to conduct a deep data dive;
❖ Summarize the finding in this section;
❖ Use a protocol to identify the root causes of the data observed, such as the “Why Protocol”, and
❖ Draw specific conclusions that align with the root causes and state specifically the relationship of the conclusions to the root causes in this section. Use as much space as needed to explicitly provide the information requested.

Odyssey Elementary School is very proud of the academic growth displayed by the English learner population in the 2019-2020 school year. The EL students worked very hard throughout the year to practice their literacy skills. The students met in the regular classroom, as well as in small groups and one-on-one with a tutor in order to improve their English proficiency.

The investment in these students paid off dramatically! Odyssey Elementary had 13 students classified as English Learner (EL) in the 2019-2020 school year that took the WIDA assessment that was administered in February of 2020. Three out of thirteen (3/13) were first year students that were just identified in the 2019-2020 school year and therefore do not have growth information to share. Four of the remaining ten (4/10) EL students scored sufficiently well on the assessment to be exited from the assessment. Of the remaining six (6) students, four (4) of them demonstrated grade level growth which ranged from 0.8 – 1.4 and averaged 1.08. Two students out of ten (2/10) unfortunately did not meet their growth goal in the 2019-2020 school year. In total, Eighty percent (80%) of Odyssey Elementary’s EL students met their annual goal!

For the purposes of this report and receiving the designation as a low performing school, the data that were collected for EL students in the 2018-2019 school year only included the proficiency rate on the SBAC ELA and Math Assessments and doesn’t account for growth on the SBAC nor the performance of the students on any other measures. Additionally, only 3 rd – 5 th graders are counted since Kindergarten, 1 st , and 2 nd grades are not assessed. In 2018-2019, Odyssey Elementary had thirteen (13) EL students enrolled in the 3 rd -5 th grades. Twenty-one and four tenths percent (21.4%) were proficient on the ELA SBAC in 2019. Zero percent (0%) were proficient on the Math SBAC in 2019. The MGP achieved by these thirteen (13) students on the 2019 SBAC was 42.5 in Math and 32 in ELA. The percent of EL students achieving their AGP was 8.3% in Math and 33.2% in ELA.  Continue…

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