Las Vegas City Employees’ Association Scholarships

Special Announcement


LVCEA Scholarships – FIVE $ 1,000 College Scholarships Offered

To Freshman and Returning College Students

Additionally this Includes LVCEA Members


This year the LVCEA will offer FIVE (5) – $1,000 scholarships for incoming freshmen and returning college students. For the first time these scholarships are also available to the LVCEA Membership. The Scholarships are only available for undergraduate degree programs. The LVCEA Scholarship applications can be submitted starting October 7, 2020. The LVCEA scholarship application packet is due at the LVCEA office by 5:00pm on Thursday, November 5, 2020. There will be no exceptions!



The LVCEA is dedicated to serving the needs of our members. Realizing one of your needs is providing your children with a quality education while the other is for the continued growth & development of our Membership; the LVCEA is pleased this year to be able to offer five (5) $1,000 scholarships for entering freshmen and returning college students this school year.  A minimum of one scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman, a minimum of one scholarship will be awarded to a returning college student, and a minimum of one scholarship will be awarded to a LVCEA Member for their pursuit of a degree. Scholarship money will be paid directly to the student’s college or university for tuition, fees, or other related educational expenses and must be used in the school year awarded. Applicants will be judged on a written essay, community service, school and community activities / awards, high school or college transcripts, and letters of recommendation. Financial need is not a consideration.



  1. Complete the attached application.
  2. All applicants shall type a minimum 750 word essay (double spaced) on the assigned topic “How has COVID-19 impacted our Education and Community Service”.
  3. Secure three (3) letters of recommendation. Only one can be from an employer, teacher, counselor, or principal. None can be from a relative.
  4. A) Incoming freshman shall obtain a cumulative high school transcript that includes your senior year. Non-traditional high school students will be required to submit satisfactory progress information from the State in lieu of transcripts.
  5. B) Returning college students shall provide a cumulative college transcript that shows a 3.0 or better GPA.
  6. Provide detailed information on Community Service, School and Community activities / awards.
  7. All applications packets (to include: application, copy of birth certificate/legal guardianship documentation for the children of members, cumulative high school or college transcripts identifying a 3.0 (unweighted) or better GPA, a 750 word essay and three (3) letters of recommendation). The completed packet must be submitted to the LVCEA office by 5:00pm on Thursday, November 5, 2020 for consideration.
  8. We will notify the scholarship finalists by Friday December 11, 2020.
  9. The winner of the scholarship will be determined by a majority vote of the LVCEA Scholarship Committee.





  • Must be a child or legal dependent of an LVCEA Member who has been in Good Standing for at least two (2) consecutive years.
  • Must be an LVCEA Member who has been in Good Standing for at least two (2) consecutive years.
  • Be entering as a freshman or a returning student at an accredited public or private college or university from which you can receive an Associate or Bachelor degree.
  • Must have at least a “B” average (un-weighted).
  • The LVCEA reserves the right not to award the scholarship if no applicant achieves the minimum standards. In addition, the LVCEA reserves the right to discontinue the scholarship program.
  • The scholarship must be used in the first half of 2020 (Spring Semester).

Las Vegas City Employees’ Association
2020 Scholarship Application – Dependent

Student Information:
Last Name:           First Name:
Contact Phone Number:           E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
 Freshman  Returning

LVCEA Parent/Guardian Information:
Last Name:           First Name:
Contact Phone Number:           E-mail Address:

Current High School/College Name:           GPA (unweighted):
Future College or University to Attend:
Degree Program/Major:
Mailing Address:
Please share your academic honors/awards, extracurricular and volunteer activities(attach additional
sheets as necessary):
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Las Vegas City Employees’ Association
2020 Scholarship Application – LVCEA Member

LVCEA Member Information:
Last Name:           First Name:
Contact Phone Number:           E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
LVCEA Work Unit:           Work Phone Number:

Current High School/College Name:           GPA (unweighted):
Future College or University to Attend:
Degree Program/Major:
Mailing Address:
Please share your hobbies, outside interests, and volunteer activities (attach additional sheets as


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