The Heisman High School Scholarship

The Heisman High School Scholarship continues a 25-year tradition of honoring high school seniors who accomplish tremendous feats in the classroom, on the field, and most importantly, within their communities. The scholarship recognizes and rewards both male and female high school athletes who are community-minded and driven to use their exceptional talents for the benefit of all.

100 scholarships awarded.

The Heisman High School Scholarship program recognizes male and female community-minded scholar-athletes at the state and national level.

  • 88 State Winners receive a $500 scholarship.
  • 10 National Finalists receive a $1,000 scholarship.
  • 2 National Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship. National Winners and their parents will also be invited to attend the Heisman Trophy weekend in New York City where they will receive national honor and recognition during the televised ESPN Heisman Trophy ceremony.

They’ve done the hard work. Now, they just need to apply.

Winning a Heisman High School Scholarship requires a weighted GPA of 3.0 or better, participation in at least one school-sponsored sport, and demonstrated leadership at school and in the community. You have students who have worked hard for years to make the grade. Now help them get the recognition they deserve:

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