High school students are invited to apply for the Fall 2021 SISTEM (Student Interactions with Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program. This program, sponsored by the UNLV Howard Hughes College of Engineering, is a series of talks and hands-on activities that will allow high school students to learn about careers and research in STEM. Through five engaging sessions, participating students will be able to connect with STEM professionals in various fields. Completion of the program will be a great addition to a student’s academic resume. Applications are being accepted until October 5th. Participants may choose between attending in person on the UNLV campus (limited number of spaces) or attending remotely by Zoom. High school students outside of southern Nevada may sign up to attend remotely. There is no cost to participate, but students who are accepted into the program are expected to participate in all five sessions which are held on five Tuesday evenings in Oct/Nov.
See attached flyer and brochure for additional details, the link to the application, and for the contact information should you have additional questions. This information may also be accessed at https://solarnexus.epscorspo.nevada.edu/sistem/