April 7, 2021

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students of Odyssey Charter School,

We hope you had a refreshing Spring Break!  We now have only six weeks left of the school year and encourage each of you to stay focused on your courses and finish this year strong!  We will begin registration for the 21-22 school year on Monday, April 19, 2021.  This year for the first time, our registration process will be completely digital.  You will be receiving specific instructions from Odyssey on how to access and fill out the registration packet online.

Despite the uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought to us all, we celebrate the growth and academic success of our students this school year in the online learning environment. For those of you who have been with us for several years, you know that Odyssey Charter School is a blended learning school. We deeply believe that the blended model – online learning and on-campus, face-to-face support, is the most effective and successful way for us to teach and for our students to learn. While we were able to successfully adapt to online learning only due to COVID restrictions, we are anxious to return to our blended model. 

We are excited to announce that next school year, Odyssey will return to our blended, online and face-to-face learning model.  We are working hard to design our on-campus learning portion to meet all current CDC and state guidelines and to ensure a clean, sanitary, and safe learning environment. While we believe that the blended learning model is the strongest and most academically supportive method to educate our students, we also acknowledge that every family faces different challenges during this time.  To accommodate all families and their needs, Odyssey is committed to continuing to provide an option for online-only learning for the 2021-2022 school year. Our goal is for all students to return to Odyssey’s traditional blended learning model as soon as possible.

Each of the three schools has prepared a link to provide you with more detailed information about the days, times, and schedules for next year.  Please be advised that these plans are subject to change based on the current conditions of the pandemic and recommendations from the State of Nevada and the CDC prior to school starting next August.

Elementary School Link:

Middle School Link:

High School Link:

If you have any questions, please contact the office of your child’s school. We can’t wait to see you next school year!

The Odyssey Charter School Administrative Team




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