HEAN (Hispanic Educators Association of NV) in conjunction with Ronald McDonald Charities offer a $1,000 scholarship to Hispanic/Latino students who are pursuing education as their college major.
Students must apply through the Ronald McDonald Charities link at https://rmhlv.org/scholarship-program and complete an additional essay, 500 words or less: “Why do you want to become a teacher? What will you, as a Hispanic teacher offer your students that others cannot?”
Other criteria: Have at least one parent of Hispanic/Latino heritage, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and declare a major in education. The deadline is January 19, 2019.
This would be beneficial to students especially at schools which offer an Education/Teacher and Training CTE program.
Questions may be directed to Diana Gonzalez at gonzad2@nv.ccsd.net, 702-799-8888 ext. 4302.