About WIDA Testing
The WIDA ACCESS 2.0 is a state and federally-required exam for all grade levels (K-12) students in our English Learner (EL) Program.
The WIDA exam measures students’ progress in their ability to listen, read, write, and speak grade-level academic English.
The WIDA test results are important for helping teachers and schools understand how EL students are doing in school. This makes sure that all students, regardless of their language background, are able to be successful after graduation. These results are also important for establishing our school’s STAR rating from the Nevada Report Card.
WIDA results do not impact students’ academic grades or promotion to the next grade. They do determine placement in the EL program. If a student obtains a 4.5 or higher on the WIDA exam, then they are considered to have exited the EL program. They can still get extra support if needed, however.
WIDA Testing at Odyssey
Students in the EL Program will take the WIDA in person, at school, and on computers. WIDA testing has been concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. Information about testing dates for 2024-2025 will be available in fall 2024.
WIDA Resources
You can read more about WIDA testing in Nevada here: Nevada Department of Education’s WIDA Information
You can read more about the WIDA test from the WIDA company here: What is the WIDA test?
You can read more about understanding WIDA Scores here: Understanding WIDA Scores
You can review WIDA practice tests here:WIDA Practice Test (select your grade)
WIDA Scores
WIDA results have been mailed to families in June 2024 for the 2023-2024 school year. Students need a 4.5 to pass the WIDA test and be considered proficient in academic English. All students in the EL program must take the WIDA exam every year until they obtain a 4.5 or higher on the exam. This is an important requirement for federal and state law.