Models for the Odyssey Charter Elementary, Middle, and High Schools differ from each other. If you have more than one student enrolling, please be aware of the different requirements for each school.
The Enrollment Process
Odyssey Charter Middle School will welcome returning families and new families in Clark County for the 2021-2022 school year. The registration process is online and can be found on the school website. Student enrollment will consist of a two-part process; the CCSD OLR form and the Odyssey digital enrollment form. Forms should be available beginning on April 19th. The registration process can be completed from any computer or smartphone. All required documents will be uploaded by parents electronically. Directions for uploading forms are provided during the process. For anyone with limited computer access, enrollment may take place in our office by appointment or during any designated “open enrollment event.” Please continue to look for information regarding enrollment and the 2021-2022 school year on our website.
Options For Enrollment
For the 2021-2022 school year, Odyssey Charter Middle School will offer a blended learning option and an online-only learning option. Enrollment in the cohort of your choice is not guaranteed and will be based on availability. It may be possible to move to a different cohort at the semester, again based on availability, and at the school’s discretion. A formal process will be in place should changes at semester become possible.
On-Campus and Online Learning Opportunities
Students will have the opportunity to attend campus for a variety of reasons. This includes coming to school for live class sessions, receiving additional services, and supplemental support for extra help or required academic alerts. Similar opportunities will be available for students in the online model using Google Meets and/or other technology, bringing the required classroom session and/or support and services right to your home through the Internet.
Blended Learning Model
The blended learning model will look similar to our original model. Students in the Blended Learning Cohort will attend campus for an AM or PM session. Students will be on campus one time per week. Parents are provided with three options or time slots for their students to attend campus. We ask that everyone choose three times. Sessions will run from 7:45 – 10:45 and 11:45 – 2:45. Classrooms will have fewer students and the hour in between sessions will be used for cleaning and sanitizing. Students receiving certain special services will meet with their teacher in small groups during the “middle hour” from 10:45-11:45 on their regular day of class. (Students receiving certain special services will attend school for a four-hour (4) session instead of a three-hour session. (PM students will come one hour early and AM students will stay one hour later).
Online Only Learning Model
The Online Only Learning model will look similar to our usual model with the exception of coming on campus for the 1/2 day session each week. Students are required to log in to Moodle to complete lessons and assignments daily, however, teacher support will be available on an “as needed” basis during office hours. Students will not log in for a virtual classroom during live instruction. Attendance will be required and monitored through the Monday Attendance Quiz and progress in coursework. Students receiving special services will meet with their instructor in small groups or individually using live Google Meets sessions.
We look forward to your student’s participation in our program next year!