2015 Senior Graduation Info!

Congratulations, 2015 Graduates! Your big day is almost here. We have a few more weeks of school and then we get to celebrate your achievements in style. Please read the critical information below and share it with your parents. More information will follow as we approach graduation. If you have any questions, please contact us at 702-257-0578.

Senior Due Dates

Before you can walk, you have to work (on your assignments, that is)! Graduating seniors must complete and submit all assignments by 4:00pm on Wednesday, May 27, 2015. This will allow teachers and counselors the time they require to grade assignments and certify that seniors have met their graduation requirements prior to the graduation ceremony. If you have any questions about what is expected of you in a particular class, please talk to your teacher.

Caps, Gowns, and Announcements

If you ordered your cap and gown from Odyssey Charter School it will be available for pick up starting May 18, 2015. Counselors will be checking grades at that time to verify that you have met all the graduation requirements and are eligible to receive a cap and gown. You will be given directions on how to pick up your cap and gown during your normal attendance da Additionally, you can stop by the front office during regular business hours. The cost of the cap/gown is $25, this includes your tassel. You can pay with cash, check, or money order. (Payable to Odyssey Charter School) All caps and gowns need to be paid for and picked up by May 29.

If you ordered from Jostens and you paid in full you can pick up your items starting May 18, 2015 as described above. If you have not paid for items through Jostens you will need to pay prior to picking up. You can pay in full at Jostens. We must have confirmation that your items have been paid for prior to releasing the items to you.

We also have a limited amount of customized graduation announcements for sale at the front office for $1.50 each. Please purchase these items before or after class.

MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal

All seniors are asked to meet at the Cashman Center on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm for rehearsal. All seniors are asked to be in attendance. This rehearsal is mandatory. Students will also receive their senior gift at this meeting. Feel free to dress casually for the rehearsal. Dinner will be provided.

Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Cashman Center
850 Las Vegas Blvd Las
Vegas, NV 89101

5:00 – Graduates arrive to line up
5:00 – Guest seating begins
6:00 – Graduation ceremony begins

How to Get to Cashman Center

From Henderson: Take U.S. 95 North, Exit on Las Vegas Blvd., Turn Right on Las Vegas Blvd., Travel 1/4 mile, Turn right into Cashman Center.

From NW Las Vegas: Take U.S. 95 South, Exit on Las Vegas Blvd., Turn Left on Las Vegas Blvd., Travel 1/4 mile, Turn right into Cashman Center.

From North Las Vegas: Take I-15 South to U.S. 95 South, Exit on Las Vegas Blvd., Turn Left on Las Vegas Blvd., Travel 1/4 mile, Turn right into Cashman Center or Take 1-15 South to Washington Avenue Exit, turn left on Washington, Travel 3/4 mile, Turn right into Cashman Center.

From South on I-15: Take 1-15 North to U.S. 95 East, Exit on Las Vegas Blvd., Turn Left on Las Vegas Blvd., Travel 1/4 mile, Turn right into Cashman Center.

A permit will be required to park at Cashman Center. The permit is free and will be distributed with the graduation tickets as described below. Please know the number of parking permits you will require when you pick up your tickets.

Graduation Tickets

At this time each student may have 8 tickets for the graduation ceremony. It is possible that more tickets will be available, as not all families will need 8 tickets. When your student comes to pick up their cap and gown the tickets can be picked up at that time as well. If you do not need all 8 tickets please leave the extra tickets with the office for another family. All tickets must be picked up by May 29. This will allow us to release the extra tickets to other students. If you are in need of additional tickets you must notify Jamila Eddins by e-mail at jeddins@odysseyk12.org  no later than May 15. All requests will be considered and we will do our best to give families the additional tickets that they need. Families will be notified by e-mail (using the student’s Moodle e-mail address) that the additional tickets are available for pick up. Additional tickets must be picked up by May 29, 2014 at 3:00 pm.

Accessible Seating

There are handicap accessible seats at the graduation location. Students must reserve these seats in advance. Students that reserve accessible seating will be given a pass for the guest that will be using the accessible seat. The pass will allow for 1 accessible seat with 1 companion. If a student’s family chooses to sit in the seats surrounding the accessible seat they must arrive in a timely manner to occupy those seats. All general seating is first come first serve. To reserve an accessible seat please e-mail Jamila Eddins at  jeddins@odysseyk12.org.

Senior Speeches and Poetry

Each year OCHS Administration picks several students to speak at graduation. It is always one of the high points of the graduation ceremony. The opportunity to submit a speech is extended to all 2015 graduates. Speeches should be 2 to 3 minutes in length. The deadline for speech submissions is Friday, May 8 at 3:00 pm. All speeches should be submitted to Sara Gates at sgates@odysseyk12.org. Any questions regarding content or if you need guidance in the writing of your speech please see Ms. Gates.

If you are a poet and would like to submit an original work for the graduation program please submit it to Sara Gates at sgates@odysseyk12.org. This deadline is Friday, May 8 at 3:00 pm as well.

Graduation Dress Code

All graduates should plan to wear dress clothes to the ceremony. No jeans, tennis shoes, or flip flops will be allowed. Graduation gowns look best if pressed/ironed. Hair should be worn in a style that allows the cap to fit on the top of the students head. All gowns must be fully zipped. Boys, your gown looks best with a shirt that has a collar.

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